nägeli relocation

As a moving and cleaning professional, we offer tailor-made and individually bookable services for private households and companies:

  • Removal cleaning with acceptance guarantee
  • Removal transport
  • Assembly and disassembly of your furniture
  • Proper disposal of household items and furniture that are no longer used

With us by your side, you can approach your move relaxed and calm.


Professional service

As a professional relocation company with over 27 years of experience, we always offer the best all-round service for private customers and companies.


Checklist relocation

Trust is good, but control is better. Our “checklist relocation” is the ideal tool to help you prepare the move.

nägeli transporte

Skilled & careful

All transports are of course carried out with the greatest care and are insured.

Nägeli Transporte

Reliable & efficient

Our qualified and experienced moving specialists carry out all orders conscientious and efficiently.


We look forward to hearing from you. Contact Us.